Thursday, May 29, 2008

5 Reasons Why Eating Jello Isn't The Best Idea

Dear Reader,

Jello is an epidemic sweeping the nation. Its vile texture and ugly taste is the new terrorist. We need to cleanse our planet of the horrible food. I urge you as a human being to consider these 5 points.

1) You May Explode. This creates a problem for whoever cleans your house, most likely your mom. Jello is very messy and quite hard to clean out of carpet, curtains and other cloth product you may find inside the home.

2) Jello Causes Cancer! It is a proven fact that eating Jello period, is the number one leading cause of Cancer. I met this guy once that had a nice bowl of jello and the next day he visited the doctor and found out he had cancer. Coincidence? I think not.

3) Jello = Infertility. Everyone wants to have kids, repopulation is important. We dream of all the things we will do and all the places we will go with our kids. Now imagine your wife is in labour and the baby finally is delivered. Then, you are shocked to find out that your baby is covered in a thick coat of lime Jello. Your new born child will be teased for the rest of his or her life. Do Your really want your child to go through that? So it is best to avoid doing the nasty if you are a Jello eater because your kids will hate you for it.

4) Eating Jello causes sex change. There is a popular nusery ryme that states: "If you eat Jello, you'll no longer be a fellow." or in a womans case: "If you eat Jello, you will become a fellow." 90% of the population is completely satisfied with the gender that God created them to be, so if you eat jello all your satisfaction may disapear. For the 10% that are not so happy about their reproductive organs, I urge you to eat Jello!

5) Jello is the real cause of global warming. The government has been trying to hide the public from the fact that carbon emition is not the real reason why the polar icecaps are melting and why your mom now wheres a string bikini in the summer. The actual truth is that when you consume Jello it has to go somewhere. Once digested the Jello will ooze from your pores in the form of a gas. this gas is called Jelliton Oxide. Jelliton Oxide is depleting the Ozone layer and causing global warming. Do you really want to hop on that band wagon?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Top 3 Things Not To Say During An Akward Silence

#3) I love to pop pimples, I get such a big rush from watching the puss ooze out.

#2) You remind me off my fish... he doesn't talk either.

#1) Well, I believe that your mother is calling me....I guess we can continue this conversation later.

Criteria is based on Awkwardness in a completely dead silent situation where only two people are present.

Use #1 if you are wanting to get slapped.
Use #2 if you are wanting to get water poured on your head
Use #3 if you are a creeper

Have Fun = )

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Poetry For The Un-Poetic

Body aches from over extension
Repetition without remorse
Moments of apprehension
Self discipline a must

Lined against the mirrored walls
Reflections of pain

From Helen C. Downey's "Tears of Triumph"

This poem advocates a sombre feeling. This poem perfectly links to Chief's experience inside the ward. Every day he is forced through the same routine. He is forced to stare at himself and be constantly reminded that he is not good enough to be in the real world. Chief may be mentally disabled but, he is able to function as a human being. The nurse is the dictator of the ward; prescribing a daily dosage of abuse and repetition. No one dares question her ways, except for chief, though he doesn't express himself verbally. Throughout the book his views on the way the ward is run become apparent. His is just lined up day after day and forced to stare at his reflection; an image that inflicts horrific amounts of pain on his soul.

The entire poem "Tears of Triumph" can be read at:

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Journal #1 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Inside the pages of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" is one of the most foul issues our society faces today, fraud. Are McMurphy's deceitful actions exusable? Or is there a malfuntion inside of his soul that would drive him to do the things that he does.

McMurphy pretends to be insaned to escape the harsh condition of his prison work camp. Is this morally acceptable? Would you fake a mental illness to get away from the physical pain and mental breakdown that a prison work camp offers? It's a question that no one could asnwer until they had actually been through similar experience.

I believe that his morals are true. He honestly believed that he may die if he were to work another day in that camp. That is definatley a justified reason for commiting a felony. People could agrue this till the end of time and there would still be no resolve. But, I would strongly consider putting yourself in the position of McMurphy before judging his actions. McMurphy comes off as being a rude and disrespectful person. This is a result of he prision sentence. "You have to be tough to stay alive in there" he states at one point in the novel. His actions are not accepted but they are understood.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Super power

If I could have any super power it would be the power to obtain gratuitous amounts of knowledge. In this century we have no way of retaining all the information that we are bombarded with with 24/7. If I was able to remember all the things I see and hear every day I would gain more wisdom in a day than most people do in a lifetime. With that super power I would become president and have a ball pit in my bedroom.

"Secret & Whisper: The Great White Whale" --->Review

A rare quality in an industry swarming with regurgitation. If you ever have the opportunity to meet Secret and Whisper of Kelowna B.C. they will tell you what motivates them: not hair, jeans, girls, belts, lifestyle, or sales. But making unique music that they love, for no other reason than the music itself. So rare that a band is in the industry for a reason as innocent as the music. If you are in to the hardcore scene at all I can guarantee you will love the catchy chorus's and melodic breakdowns. Like Hardcore but don't like the screaming? There is no screaming on this album. They have managed to take a genre so indulged in screamo and trade hard hitting Ear bleeding screams for melodic and meaningful lyrics.

The boy's formally from Stutterfly excluding Charles Furney(vocals) are no strangers to pioneering a genre in a scene that regurgitates the same songs over and over again. This album has a mastered mix from being recorded in a professional studio in Kelowna B.C. This is not a cheap demo CD, but rather a fully fledged LP. The bass thumps the bottom while to the melodic lead guitar riffs float along side the beautiful lyrics.

This is one album worth getting.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Consequences Of Remaining Emotionless

1) "The Lottery" is one of many examples of a time and a place in which a group of people are "brainwashed" in to committing actions that they themselves would certainly not commit on their own. Normal people are introduced to the sheep effect. The sheep effect is when one person has a radical political or religious idea and all those that agree with the idea will begin to follow him like a teacher. It is the same situation that occurred when Russia was being introduced to communism by Lenin. He made small brochures of his ideas and eventually he had a following far greater in numbers than the opposition. This led to a revolution. In the same way the people in the story did not question the lottery because it had been around forever. The continued to randomly murder people annually because that was the tradition; a very harsh reality.

2) Elie Wiesel's speech perfectly dictates the theme of the story "The Lottery". Elie states that people will go along with anything that is not questioned over and over. The people in the story were presented with the lottery's questionable nature. Most people just dismissed it with little or no regard for the reliability of the questions that were being posed about the lottery.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss

Every single day we are bombarded with travesties. People are dying here and pollution is killing people over there. With so much horror in the world all of us need to be smart in the way that we address certain situations in the world. Filtering what we choose to be concerned about is key. It is impossible for anyone to tackle of the issues in the world. My personal affection towards world issues is that if we know about it, then we must do something, even if that something is very small. Hearing that the fast food industry is corrupt may not mean that we should protest and send angry letter. But, perhaps you should not eat as much fast food because you know where the food has come from.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

February 27th

True beauty is not dictated solely by whether you have a perfect appearance or a slightly less than perfect appearance. Beauty is from the inside. The personality of a person is what shines brightest. Personality will show people how truly beautiful you are. As physically attractive and flawless as some people may appear, most of the time there is a flaw that could potentially ruin the physical beauty that a person possesses.

Encountering a person that is physically attractive but lacks emotional maturity is one thing that everyone faces in their lives. The inner ugliness will surpass the outward beauty and very slyfully poison our opinion of a person. There are very few people that are truly beautiful inside and out. But, when you meet someone who is truly beautiful you can not help but be impacted in some way.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blog Blog, Frog Frog, Log Log

I find that blogging is totally fresh and a new way to approach english 12. Blogging allows me to create in a manor that I am accustomed to. An average teenager spends 3 - 5 hours on a computer every day. So, you can imagine that we are well versed in using the internet and typing blogs. Blogging modernizes the course and meets us in a place where we are comfortable rather than being in a classroom.

I honestly don't care at all about what topic I write on. I usually can find some way to relate myself to the topic. I enjoy a wide variety of topics. One of my favorite things to write on is current issues in society.